Monday, April 19, 2010

Imperfect Game

Baseball is an unusual game, with a history unlike any other major sport. As America's first significant spectator sport, its history at the professional level can be traced back almost to the Civil War. Major League Baseball is generally understood to have started in 1876, with the creation of the National League, and since then nearly 200,000 MLB games have been played. With so many games, there are bound to be oddities and strange events going on, and my purpose in writing this blog is to highlight some of those. While I will probably discuss some relatively well-known events, my goal is to describe strange and unusual happenings in the world of baseball that do not receive as much attention.

To start off, I'm a 23 year old college graduate, with bachelor's degrees in English and Regional Planning. I first jumped on the Red Sox bandwagon during the 2003 postseason. The first Red Sox game that I ever recall watching was Game 1 of the Sox-Yankees ALCS that year, and at the time I knew very little about the team, or even about baseball in general for that matter. (Sure, I knew the basics, but in my ignorance I didn't discover until that year that foul balls count as strikes for the first two strikes) Either way, I quickly took a liking to the team, despite the way that the series ended. The next year, I continued to watch the Red Sox games, and it just so happened that it was the year that they won the World Series for the first time since 1918. Ever since then, I've been a fan of Red Sox in particular, but baseball history as well, and I enjoy not only current events, but also learning about the history of the game as well.

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